Friday, November 29, 2013

A Little Catch Up - August

Ok, now August.  August turned in to a long month.  It was hot and that was about it.  Chloe and I wondered all over the campground.  She got bored with all the out door toys, and the playground.  We did have an awesome opportunity come up though.  Our church started a Mother's Day Out program.  They were hiring teachers so I applied and got hired.  Chloe gets to attend the program as part of the job.  It really is perfect.  It gets us out of the house a little bit, we make a little bit of money to put towards a house, and Chloe gets to play!

We took a little weekend trip to Dallas in August with Clint's cousins.  We went to the water park and toured the football stadium.  I didn't get very many pictures because, well, cameras and water don't mix and keeping up with a toddler while in a strange place makes taking pictures difficult too. 

Most of the pictures this month wound up being from my phone.  Guess I just always left the camera at home....

 Ready to go play.  Notice the tan lines.  We practically lived outside during the summer.


 Picking flowers and carrying a football

 Lost in the sea of stuffed friends

 How she entertained herself while I was packing suitcases

 Poor sick little girl fell asleep while I was in the shower

 Having a little lunch while waiting to have a flat fixed

 Jumping on the bed at the hotel in Dallas

Drawing with Jaxon

So that wraps up another month!  Making progress!  A few more days and we should be current!  Thanks for sticking with me!

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