Monday, June 10, 2013

Mother's Day

First things first, I must apologize for my little bloggy break.  It was an accident.  We are still trying to get in a good routine around here.  It seems like every time I sit down to blog something comes up or I am so exhausted from trying to keep Chloe from breaking something or chasing her all over the yard, that I just opt for sleep or mindless entertainment instead.  Any way, so here is my Mother's Day post, almost a month late.  I would write some sweet words about the moms in our lives, but lets face it, a month late and when it is almost Father's Day.... well I guess I missed my chance. I hope our mothers felt appreciated on Mother's Day even if they didn't get their own post. 

I had a nice Mother's Day, low key, felt like most other Sundays, but I took the time to be thankful for my little treasure and the fact that I get to be a mother.  For such a long time I thought I would never get that chance and I am so thankful for the precious little girl that God blessed me with.

First Mother's Day

Mother's Day 2013

What a difference a year makes!!  I have some catching up to do so check back soon!

1 comment:

  1. You look so much like your mom in the last picture. Happy Mother's Day - a month late.
    (If it makes you feel better, I still need to blog about Zadie's 1st birthday.... Which was in April.)
