Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Well, the packing and chaos is well under way at the Mann house.  Chloe and I have been working hard and might actually be ready to load the truck on Thursday!  So, what does a little girl do all day while Mama is packing?

 Helping clean out the pantry

 Playing with the pots and pans!  (excuse the mess, we are packing after all)

 A special Oreo treat!

 Putting some dirty clothes in the hamper

 Playing on the patio

 One on one time with our special friends

 Reliving her babyhood

 Climbing on boxes

Playing with river rocks

She has been such a sweet little girl during this time.  I was very unsure how I was going to get us all packed up and ready to move with a toddler and Clint at home very little during this time, but it has worked out very well.

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